Happy Monday everyone! This week’s events include an art exhibit at the Arizona Senate, a talk with guest speaker Joe Ray on how to effectively communicate with Latinos in the US, and Coworking on 15th Ave’s One Year Anniversary networking event with Get Your PHX. Hope to see you out there!
Tuesday 3/17, 11:30am-1:00pm (Educational & Networking): Lunch and Learn: A Systems Approach to Improving Your Organization. Get an overview of the Southwest Alliance for Excellence and the Performance Excellence Program and how they help improve your organization by using the Baldrige Excellence Framework. During the session a panel of award recipients and Examiners will share their recent experiences with this process. DeskHub – 4900 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 4500. Admission: AZTC Members, Free; Non-Members, $15
RSVP: https://arizonatechcouncilazassoc.wliinc1.com/external/wcpages/wcevents/eventregistration.aspx?eventID=4E391E0Z
Tuesday 3/17, 5:00pm-7:00pm (Educational & Entertainment): Visions of My Land: Art Exhibit. If you have visited the Arizona Senate lately, you must have noticed that it is now decorated by beautiful artwork on the 2nd and 3rd floor. Senator Catherine Miranda invited renowned artist Jim Covarrubias to showcase his art at the Senate to which they both handpicked each piece. Please join Mr. Covarrubias and the Latino Caucus to an art reception exhibiting this wonderful art, Hor’ d’oeuvres and drinks will be provided. Arizona State Senate – 1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix. Admission: FREE!
RSVP: cchavez@azleg.gov or (602) 926-4893Wednesday 3/18, 5:30pm-7:30pm (Educational & Networking): Cultura Ambidextrous: The Acculturation of a New America. Joe Ray, Vice President of Multicultural Strategy at major local ad agency, will lead this insightful presentation and discussion that will be punctuated with humor and provide participants the opportunity to consider how to effectively communicate and engage with Latino audiences in the U.S. in any language, Spanglish included. The Office Pile – 2501 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Admission: FREE!
RSVP: http://cultura.splashthat.com/
Thursday 3/19, 5:30pm-7:30pm (Networking): March Get Your PHX: Coworking on 15th Ave. Join Coworking on 15th Ave and Get Your PHX, as Coworking on 15th Ave celebrates their one year anniversary! Enjoy delicious food and refreshing craft beer while meeting other business savvy people. Don’t miss out on this great networking event. Coworking on 15th Ave – 3428 N. 15th Ave. Phoenix. Admission: FREE!
RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qduD1zLBjVDGv5uTMzBPJ5aC6HrA0A08JMf0V5zbPB0/viewform?c=0&w=1
Thursday 3/19, 5:30pm-7:30pm (Networking): After5 Networking Event. The After5 series is designed to unite technologists and business professionals for an evening of networking, food and drinks. Each After5 networking event is free for members of the Council, including hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. Beyond Trust – 5090 N. 40th Street, Suite 500, Phoenix. Admission: Members, Free; Non-Members, $20
RSVP: https://arizonatechcouncilazassoc.wliinc1.com/external/wcpages/wcevents/eventregistration.aspx?eventID=473X605I
Friday 3/20, 8:30am-10:00am (Educational): Creative Mornings: Phoenix. Join guest speaker Jason Anthony from the Golden Rule Tattoo as he’ll talk about the global theme of INK. Fortoul Studios – 815 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. Admission: FREE!
RSVP: http://creativemornings.com/talks/jason-anthony