As I reflect on Coworking on 15th’s 10-year anniversary, the book Antifragile by one of my favorite authors, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, comes to mind. In his fourth book, Taleb explains the concept of certain businesses being the opposite of fragile. Beyond robust or resilient companies, these firms benefit from disruption and turmoil, enabling them to…
Category: Coworking in Phoenix
Coworking in Phoenix
8 Coworking Space Considerations When Choosing An Office
by Lonnell Holman •
To help you determine the best coworking space for your business, we asked business leaders this question for their best insights. From evaluating the community to the potential for scalability, there are several important items to consider when choosing an office space that is comfortable and efficient for your team. Here are 8 coworking space…
Coworking in Phoenix
Networking Events for the Week of December 7th
by Sebastian Obando •
There are only 18 more days left until Christmas! Hope you are as excited as we are. For this week we have multiple events to choose from, including: MWMT: Mike Zimmerlich – From Start to Launch: Crowdfunding your Project and Startupconnect AZ Conference on Wednesday. Later this week, make sure to participate in the Go Beyond –…
Coworking in Phoenix, Events
Networking Events for the Week of October 21
by Maria Sanchez •
Happy Tuesday! In this weeks recommended networking events there’s a good mix from a small business workshop to learning more on how to market to the Hispanic community. Don’t miss out on these great learning opportunities. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 10/21, 4pm-6pm (Education & Networking): Hacking the Customer Experience: Essentials for Marketing Success. Come…
Coworking in Phoenix, Events
Recommended Phoenix Events for the Week of September 8
by Maria Sanchez •
Rain, Rain, go Away. Hope everyone stayed safe this morning and (co) worked from home if possible away from this mess. We moved to the desert for a reason, right?? Anyway, lets brighten up the rest of our week by checking out one of these great networking in Phoenix events! Hope to see you out…
Coworking in Phoenix, Events
A Visit to Cocktails with Creators
by Eric Diaz •
Breaking out the Map I won’t lie, its hard to get this urban bicyclist out of central Phoenix. Just ask my girlfriend, when the topic of ‘dinner in Scottsdale’ comes up, I shudder. However, that is a tendency that I’m trying to break and with two visits east of 40th St this week I think I’m making excellent progress.…
Coworking in Phoenix
Coworking Week in Phoenix!
by Eric Diaz •
Coworking in Phoenix
Welcoming Jumpstart to the Coworking Community
by Clint Christensen •

Today marks the grand opening of Jumpstart; a coworking space located in Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) canyon corridor. Jumpstart, the brainchild of GCU grad Sam Macias, is bringing the spirit of coworking out to the west valley in the hopes of inspiring a wave of entrepreneurs and small businesses that will add to the vibrancy…